“If you don’t know, now you know”
℮ of UK population who experience back pain0%
℮ of UK population who experience arthritis0%
Working days lost due to Muscular injuries0%
Appointments made within 1 week of contacting osteopath0%
In its simplest form Osteopathy is applied physiology and anatomy in order promote the bodies healing processes.
It comes under the terms Complimentary and Alternative Medicine.
What sets it apart from other forms of therapy is its approach towards the patient’s conditions. Although all Osteopaths have a unique approach and all patients need individual treatment plans, Osteopathy always looks to establish the root cause of the problem, improve function and promote blood flow.
Osteopathy As A Profession
- It has been practiced since 1874 created by Andrew Taylor Still
- Osteopathy is regulated in the United Kingdom By the General Osteopathic Council therefore there are certain standards each Osteopath must meet every year to be recognised as one
- Only Practitioners registered with the General Osteopathic Council can call themselves Osteopaths
More information can be found on the following:

National Health Service
See what the NHS has to say

Find out about how osteopathy is regulated

Institute of Osteopathy
Professional membership organisation